
NPC Engineering and Construction Co.,ltd.

is a registered Thai company operated by Thai citizens with the necessary licenses to undertake mechanical, structure, system building and pipeline construction work.

NPC Engineering and Construction Co.,ltd.

has successfully completed a number of significant projects in Thailand, Myanmar. Since the Company’s establishment, the Company has installed the complex piping system for more than 100 platforms.

NPC Engineering and Construction Co.,ltd.

provides full range of services from fabrication; installation to testing. Most of the projects are mainly complex piping system and fabrication of high-quality large scale structures for platforms which includes piping installation, flushing / testing and pre commissioning; vessel installation; flushing / testing and pre-commissioning; equipment installation and pre-commissioning; mechanical installation, mechanical support installation and pre-commissioning, safety part installation, Furthermore NPC Engineering and Construction Co.,ltd. also provides manpower and equipment supply to offshore projects, for example, Unocal, Thaipo, Chevron, COTL, PTT and Premier Oil.

NPC Engineering and Construction Co.,ltd.

improves the work performance and skills continuously by applying the new technologies, equipment and tools in order to provide the best service and skills to fulfill customer satisfaction.